Sunday 11 November 2012


There are at least 39 species of gecko in New Zealand. However, now only 18 of these have been officially found, and discoveries of new species can sill happen. Geckos are found throughout New Zealand on both main islands and most offshore islands. They can live in a wide range of altitudes from sea level to c. 2200 m and a variety of habitat types forest and scrub, tussock grasslands, rock outcrops and scree.

These species belong to two genera:



11 been officially found and an estimated 20 to still be found
colour: mostly grey or brown with striped or banded patetrens
Habits: Mainly nocturnal or active at dawn and dusk, although some species, such as the harlequin gecko, are also active during the day.
Close up of head and upper body. Photo: Rod Morris.




 been officially found and 1 yet to be discovered
colour: bright excentric greens
active during the day
Westland green gecko. Photo: Graeme Loh.

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